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1) GIFT IDEAS - This Month specials - 10% off family members. $200 off for the 2nd family member if signing up for a 20-session package. 2) Wedding/Honeymooner Special includes a couple compatibility map reading

2) Postpartum Blues - having baby should make me happy, why am I so sad?

3) Prenatal Stress and Anxiety reduction - do you know that high level of stress hormone from mother might cause fetal stress or ADHD in children? It's so critical to keep pregnancy stress free and we are here to help you. Remember, your baby's wellbeing is dependent upon you.

4) Sweet Dreams - How to improve the quality of sleep naturally?

Most personalized gift that your dad and mom will not forget

6) For athletes and avid golfers, being in that ALPHA ZONE and maintaining at a optimal alpha level, are all priceless edge of a Peak Performance Mind. I dare to say, without proper brain training, most of us rarely experience that series of self regulating sustainable focus under pressure. The Brain Fitness Peak Performance training for qualified athletes, we have good news for you!

7) Free - Spiritual book club gathering: Seth Speak and Course In Miracles  

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