What age must a person be to use this technology?

We have had success with children as young at 2 years old.

Depending on age, sessions for children is a lot more difficult as they tend to move around and not sit still for longer period of time. Thus, in order to cut down idiling time or play time in between, we highly encourage parents to bring some activities/books that their child may enjoy while they are having sessions or you may end up paying for 3 hours of Therapist's time for 2 hour of brain training.

We also have a number of activities to help occupy their time in the chair. When scheduling, we would recommend 2 sessions a day for 3 consecutive days and then waiting until following week to have 1 session per day for a total of 10 sessions.

If the child is 5 or younger or if the child is autistic at any age, we may only be able to do 1 session a day.